Translating data into business intelligence.

We help your organization take its data from different sources

  • link it together

  • clean it up

  • analyze it, and

  • then present it in a way that allows better decisions and

  • satisfies governmental and other reporting requirements.

Once put together in a usable dashboard, we automate the process so an organization is always using the most up-to-date information and applying it in the most effective and efficient ways possible.

  • Standardize Data

    Community Based Networks will standardize your information by consolidating your data sources (old, new, state-mandated, etc) into single source of truth dashboards.

  • Visualize Outcomes

    Your data dashboards visualize the outcomes of your programs and services and help your organization scale and unlock new opportunities.

  • Assist Decision Making

    Our data analytics as a service allows you to better manage existing funding and pursue new opportunities for growth.